Meet your coach Anabel

During this coaching you will discover a way to find peace as well as experiencing the pleasure of moving. I help you through exercises to get in touch with the possibilities and mobility of your body, tailored to your needs. 

The relationship between mind and body deepens. I like to use my experience as a dancer to awaken movement awareness in your body, and at the same time I bring you in a mindfull, relaxed state.

Relaxation, well-being and pleasure are paramount in my offer.

During an enthusiastic career as a dancer and choreographer I have immersed myself in a number of body-oriented therapies , such as shiatsu relaxation, yoga, mindfulness, perception training from the fascia (S-PP), Body Mind Centering and Brain Gym.

Mini coaching

In a mini-coaching you get an introduction to a relaxation or movement exercise tailored to your needs. If you come up with a specific question, I will give you an answer and we will see how this can work out for you?.

Would you like to be personally guided by Anabel?

Click on the 'Book your session' button above.

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After payment, you will have access to all contact information of your coach to schedule an online appointment.